Operating System Notes for BCA

Operating System Notes for BCA || Free Find OS Tutorials PDF

Operating System a subject of BCA is a very important subject for students to read. here we are sharing a free tutorial of an operating system in pdf format. Find now operating system notes for BCA.

The notes and the syllabus is given on this page are based on VBSPU (Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University) but it is not only for VBSPU students anyone can open and read the notes.

What is Operating System

An operating system is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

Syllabus of Operating System

All the topics that we covered in this Operating system tutorial are written in this syllabus section. Read the full syllabus of BCA to understand it is compatible with you or note and then download the full Operating system lecture notes.


  • Unit -1: Introduction: Operating_System_&_Functions,  Evolution_of_OS,  Batch,  Interactive,  Time_Sharing_&_Real_Time_System,  System_Protection,  System_Components,  System_Structure,  Operating_System_Services.
  • Unit-2 Concurrent Process: Process, State_Transition, Interrupts, Process_Control_Block, Principle_of_Concurrency, Produces-Consumer_Problem, Critical_Section.
  • Unit-3 CPU Scheduling: Scheduling_Concept,  Performance_Criteria,  Scheduling_algorithms_such_as_FCFS,  SJF,  Round-Robin.
  • DeadLock: System_Model,  Sdeadlock_Characterization,  Prevention.
  • Unit-4: Memory Management: Real_Storage,  Resident_Monitor,  Multiprogramming_with_fixed_partition,  Multiprogramming_with_Variable_Partition,  Multiple_Base_Register,  Paging,  Segmentation,  Paged_Segmentation,  Virtual_Memory_Concept,  Demand_paging,  Page_Replacement_Algorithm,  Allocation_of_Frames,  Thrashing,  Cache_Memory_Organization,  Impact_on_Performance.
  • Unit-5 Unix/Linux: Unix_System_kernel_&_Utilities,  File_&_Directories,  Single_&_Compound_Statement,  Basic_Commands,  Bourn_Shell,  Korn_Shell_&_C_Shell,  Shell_Meta_Charactristics,  Shell_Variables_&_Scripts,  Environment,  Integer_Arithmetic_&_String_Manipulation,  Decision_Making.

The PDF of Notes

Final Word:

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  1. Shrish Srivastava

    Sir how much marks i can get by learning these notes, btw Very Good notes I appreciate this

  2. Simon

    Thanks for this notes,they have helped me a lot in my studies

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